9 Tips To Avoid Distraction Driving

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9 Tips To Avoid Distraction Driving

Driving is, without a doubt, one of the toughest jobs in the world. Because you are not only responsible for your and your passenger’s life and the lives of other people on the road. Ladah Law Firm will give you some tips so you can drive safely without distraction and safely.

Tips that can help you prevent distracted driving 

  1. The biggest object that distracts you is your cell phone. You should keep it on silent mode while you are driving, especially in the city. If there is an emergency call, Stop your car by the side of the road and then attend to it.
  1. In case of emergency phone calls, Bluetooth is a very good alternative for you to attend to a call while driving. You can also use earphones so that your hands are free to handle the car.
  1. If you have children or pets, Make sure that they are in their designated place before starting. They can also distract you while you are driving by coming to you or shouting your name unnecessarily.
  1. If you are hungry, eat first, then drive. Do not eat while driving in any case. It is very disturbing and can cause a very big accident just because you were eating something.
  1. If you are on a long journey on wheels, plan your stops, that will help you stay sane and fully awake while driving the car, and you do not have to get distracted making plans while driving the car. 
  1.  If you are traveling with someone in your passenger seat, Limit your conversations to basic. Long conversations need your concentration, So does driving, And right now, driving is more important than anything. Do not let your talkative friend sit beside you while driving. That is a precaution you need to take if you want to drive safely.
  1. Do not groom yourself in the back mirror of your car. This will completely distract you from the road and can kill you. Do all the make-up and grooming on the stop between your journey or before starting a journey.
  1. If you are driving around the city, You should not listen to music or radio at high volume. That could be very distracting because music can make you completely ignorant of your surroundings. That thing could prove deadly for you. You should listen to it on slow volume or very slow volume so you can also hear what is happening on the road you are driving on.
  1. Suppose you have a modern car like a Tesla or Range Rover etc. You should use voice commands, that will help you concentrate on the road.

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